10 million people estimated to develop active tuberculosis (TB) disease worldwide, but 3.6 million of these individuals are “missed” each year. Among these missing cases, an estimated 405,323 children and 248,300 people with drug-resistant forms of the disease are also missed. In Malaysia, the estimated total TB numbers are 33,000 cases in year 2022, but we were only able to find 25,391 active TB cases, missing 7,609 active TB cases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been reductions in the reported numbers of people newly diagnosed with TB. If these numbers reflect real reductions in diagnosis, rather than underreporting or a reduction in TB incidence, there will have been an increase in the number of people in the community with undiagnosed and untreated TB. A person who are living with TB disease can infect up to 10 to 15 people with whom they are in close contact. This means that each missed case can add to the current TB burden, compounding the challenge to end TB. Finding these cases, requires a strong health care system and health workforce as well as better access to TB diagnostic and treatment services. It requires collaboration from all parties, public and private. YES! we can END TB